Fælles broderi

For lidt tid siden lavede jeg en workshop hos min gode kollega/veninde Anne Dorte, hun ville gerne have en broderiworkshop på sin fødselsdag. Hun havde inviteret alle sine veninder til broderi og frokost, jeg stod for undervisningen og jeg kan kun anbefale at mødes på denne måde, – simpelthen så kæmpe hyggeligt og en stor succes.

Alle broderede et felt i samme nuancer og teknikker som Anne Dorte kan sy sammen til et patchworktæppe.


  1. Emily Selvin 18. januar 2021 at 5:14


  2. Claudia 13. oktober 2021 at 19:42

    I love your artwork!

    1. Karen Marie 24. oktober 2021 at 16:42

      Claudia – Tank you :0)

  3. V&v 9. november 2021 at 13:58

    Dear Karen, Sorry for contacting you out of the blue.
    I saw your beautiful art work and I thought you might be the correct person to contact.

    I am a Masterstudent from Cologne to become an art teacher and I was wondering if you and some of your crowd of followers could help me with my masterthesis. I am trying to create “carpet of memories”. These carpet should grow with bits an pieces of memories and anecdotes about textile crafting. (like: where did you learn it, who teached you, what do you think is the female role in it, etc..)
    I would be so greatful, if you would post and paritcipate if you are interested. More informatione can be found here: (https://kunstmodule.wordpress.com/2021/11/08/english-verstrickungen-und-verknupfungen/).

    Of course I can understand if this isn’t something you want to be involved in. In any case. Thank you very much for your time and with best regards, V&V

    1. Karen Marie 24. november 2021 at 10:45

      V&V – sorry i am very busy and only see your message now, it sounds exciting but can not these days have time to do anything on my blog. Can you perhaps send me an email at kontakt@karenmarie.nu if it is not too late now? :0)


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